Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it.
1Diane Abbott, shadow public health minister, said government was not doing enough.
2Political patronage remains important for doing business in the north African state.
3Therefore the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
4But his way of doing so leads to another dramatically different result.
5Great Britain would be doing that much better at trading in Europe.
6However, the way she's doing it is not appropriate in the situation.
7Costello is a home help, currently doing a course in healthcare studies.
8I was doing some work for a local law firm last year.
9Today he told Morning Report it's good if Facebook is doing something.
10He'd been doing it several times a year for years on end.
11The reality is that Russia is still doing extremely well, Conway said.
12Of course the problem is: how can you go about doing this?
13Britain's main problem is that it's doing best in a troubled continent.
14But there's that thorny question: What constitutes doing business in a state?
15Lenders, however, say there's a compelling case for doing business with landlords.
16Rather he says there were other 'national security' reasons for doing so.
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