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Significados de downstream communities em inglês
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Uso de downstream communities em inglês
It says it poses a serious threat to downstreamcommunities and the environment.
To distance the environment in this case from humans is impractical for the downstreamcommunities.
Some downstreamcommunities were still experiencing cresting rivers.
The water had risen to within seven metres of the lowest point of the unstable natural dam by this weekend, threatening downstreamcommunities.
The water had risen to within seven meters of the lowest point of the unstable natural dam by this weekend, threatening downstreamcommunities.
Swollen creeks and bayous were still overflowing on Wednesday in downstreamcommunities such as Gonzales, as recovery efforts were beginning around Baton Rouge.
The water had risen to within 7 meters of the lowest point of the unstable natural dam by this weekend, threatening to flood downstreamcommunities.
The chairperson of Gold Ridge Community Investments Ltd, Walton Naezon, says one of the conditions of the licence is ensuring the safety of downstreamcommunities.
They also said dams along the Irrawaddy would hurt downstreamcommunities who rely on it for rice production and would prevent seasonal migration of fish.
The report called for a halt to plans to build the Shweli 2 and 3 dam projects slated for downstreamcommunities.