The shifting pattern of investor worry is already drivingmarkets.
That is what has been drivingmarkets, said Andrew Brenner, head of international fixed income at NatAlliance.
That's what's drivingmarkets across the board, said Kathryn Rooney Vera, director of macroeconomic research at Bulltick Capital Markets.
Across the region, whether drivingmarkets up or down, political risk is back at the top of the investor agenda.
Stocks are hitting all-time highs and greed is taking hold, with fear of missing out on further gains now drivingmarkets.
As lockdown and quarantine restrictions are lifted, and economic activity returns, these tensions will play a larger role in drivingmarkets.
Officials at the Paris-based OECD club of rich nations, said an in-depth analysis of agricultural commodities markets showed both fundamental and speculative factors drivingmarkets.