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Significados de dual capacity em inglês
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Uso de dual capacity em inglês
In painting, the dualcapacity-forthe brush and for letters-hasmore shining examples than in music.
This personage, corresponding to the Colonial Governor, will also have to act in a dualcapacity.
The delegation is meeting him in his dualcapacity as the minister responsible for victims' issues and security.
Saleh, 69, was due to sign in a dualcapacity as party leader and president, according to the opposition.
The question intruded; his brain seemed capable of a dualcapacity, or of a general incapacity of simultaneous considerations.
Here, we report that iron oxide nanoparticles have the dualcapacity to act as both magnetic and photothermal agents.
And now began his torment- aformof exasperation peculiar to his dualcapacity of shopkeeper and manager of a post-office.
Indeed, new studies emerged and revealed a dualcapacity of tumor cells for glycolytic and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) metabolism.
He enlisted during the darkest days of the rebellion in the Eighth regiment and served in the dualcapacity of correspondent and soldier.
The gentleman whom they held responsible for the unwarrantable innovation carried on a nourishing trade in the dualcapacity of miller and shipowner.
This dualcapacity, plus an eye for the look of the show, was the role Hawkesworth strove to deploy in television during the next decade.
Oil companies are known as " dualcapacity" taxpayers because they pay taxes to foreign countries and they also get an economic benefit from those countries.