The captain of the guard receives twenty-four ducados of ten reals per month.
His lieutenant receives twenty-eight ducados of ten reals.
The sargento-mayor of this camp and city of Manila receives forty ducados of ten reals each per month.
He drew a salary at the rate of six hundred Castilian ducados a month, which is the wages of similar commanders.
The hoops alone serve in Manila to make nails and bolts from them, which thus come to cost fifty ducados per quintal.
This merchandise will yield six millions, of which ten per cent, paid to his Majesty, will amount to six hundred thousand ducados.
His Majesty appointed him governor and captain-general of the Filipinas, and increased the annual salary of his office to ten thousand Castilian ducados.
The castellan of Manila enjoys eight hundred pesos per year, or fifty-three ducados of ten reals, and three and one-third reals per month.
And if the license for one million is not given, it should be for one-half, the duties on which would be three hundred thousand ducados.