Ainda não temos significados para "eager activity".
1When I entered its shops were open, its streets crowded, and everywhere there was eager activity.
2The eager activity of his mind was already asserting itself, an activity which hardly slackened to the very end.
3Whatever that front, those soaring towers, may mean to us now, they stood then for a busy and eager activity.
4In an instant he was tense and alert, his eyes shining, his face set, his limbs quivering with eager activity.
5All was in eager activity, and many a scuffle occurred amoungthe excited soldiers, and had to be settled by the camp-watch.
6The public is too quick to class him with those whose doubt is owing to lassitude of mind, rather than too eager activity.
7Most remarkably of all, greenways have helped make cycling and walking breaks a mainstream option, rather than the domain of eager activity nuts.
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