They must be cearadactyls, big flying reptiles from the earlyCretaceous.
When they turned their last light off at night, the beach gleamed with EarlyCretaceous phosphorescence.
A nine metre long early relative of the T-Rex that stalked northern China during the the earlyCretaceous period.
This latest fossil doesn't just capture the dramatic spider attack but also evidence of spider social life in the EarlyCretaceous.
The earlyCretaceous sea retired from Texas and Mexico, for its sediments are overlain unconformably by formations of the Upper Cretaceous.
The new discovery is the first example of an amber fossil from the earlyCretaceous period, when dinosaurs like spinosaurs and psittocosaurs roamed the Earth.
Of 700 specimens in one earlyCretaceous deposit only 96 are Angiosperms; of 460 species in a later deposit about 400 are Angiosperms.
They were the first inhabited rock lines on the planet and are excellent examples of the equivalent earlyCretaceous Dakotan violent upthrust resulting in...