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Significados de early prototype em inglês
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Uso de early prototype em inglês
But it's doesn't have a title or anything more than very earlyprototype footage.
It was this vision, he told me, holding up an earlyprototype for Project HoloLens.
PERSONIUS then attempted to illustrate a very earlyprototype of networked access to this digital library.
This is an earlyprototype that we shot.
But that earlyprototype has matured into a real consumer device that's just now hitting the market.
In January 1994, Apogee abandoned the project after seeing the earlyprototype, leaving Parallax without a publisher.
And so, they drew up the Star Destroyer, and Colin Cantwell made a really earlyprototype of it.
In summing up, we find many of the traits of later frontiers in this earlyprototype, the Massachusetts frontier.
The Polish Cipher Bureau managed to get hold of an Enigma machine and develop an earlyprototype of the Bombe.
The Sheffield was also used by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories as a earlyprototype for the Discovery space mission's 50-foot arm.
He said the company had flown an earlyprototype demonstrating the Silent Eagle's electronic technology and the ability to carry weapons internally.
At the end of day one we've got some earlyprototype hacks and a whole whiteboard full of confusing lines and algorithms.
The earlyprototype pictured here is fashioned from off-the-shelf components and housed in a watertight shell retrofitted from a half-sandwich-sized Tupperware container.
According to Audi, its motorsport and production arms are working hand-in-hand on the technology, originally fitting an earlyprototype to their R8 supercar.
Our take: Looking very much like an earlyprototype of Star Fox, Cube Runner is a very simple exercise in not screwing up.
This earlyprototype allowed them to start proving some of what they'd figured out in the labs and on computers on the track.