This is the sector that works with earlyschoolleavers.
An additional 450 places on the Youthreach programme for earlyschoolleavers are also being created.
The Government is not meeting its targets in reducing the number of earlyschoolleavers, a new report claims.
Those most affected were on Community Employment projects and on "second chance" education schemes for earlyschoolleavers.
Substance abuse among earlyschoolleavers is significantly higher than among those remaining in education a study published today has revealed.
The National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) report says the number of earlyschoolleavers has remained unchanged since 1997.
But it also highlights an increased take-up of educational and training opportunities by earlyschoolleavers, once they leave their second-level school.
It found that the average age of starting full sex was 13 for a group of "at risk" earlyschoolleavers.
Let us not forget the thousands of earlyschoolleavers who were disillusioned and let down by the system and the attitudes within it.
THE Government is to announce an initiative today which will target the long term unemployed and earlyschoolleavers who have failed to find jobs.
Dr Barry presented a broad range of data pointing out that today's earlyschoolleavers contain disproportionate numbers of those who are unemployed long term.
The workshops were set up to provide training for earlyschoolleavers in a wide range of skills, such as typing, computing and wood working.
EARLYschoolleavers in Cork are abandoning the education system because the curriculum is too academic, according to a report published yesterday.