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Significados de earned a profit em inglês
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Uso de earned a profit em inglês
Excluding items, however, Qlik earnedaprofit of 2 cents per share.
On an adjusted basis, the company earnedaprofit of 2 cents per share.
Excluding the Australia assets the company earnedaprofit of $265 million in the fourth quarter.
A person familiar with the matter said Goldman earnedaprofit from the Metro business over the duration of its ownership.
The capital was fixed at two hundred thousand dollars, and the syndicate earnedaprofit of nearly forty per cent, in the first year.
However, on an adjusted basis, Workday earnedaprofit of 44 cents, beating estimates of 35 cents per share.
That comes after it earnedaprofit of $1.11 billion, or 10 cents a share, a year earlier.
Last year, GAC earnedaprofit of 1.1 billion yuan on sales of around 13 billion yuan ($2.12 billion).
The bank earnedaprofit of $181.6 million, or 91 cents a share in the same quarter last year.
Her husband, Hasta Bahadur Rawat, said they earnedaprofit of up to 42,000 rupees in one season from selling apples.
It earnedaprofit of $22.7 million, from a loss of $19.7 million in the same period, a year ago.
Thanachart Life earnedaprofit after tax of 25 million pounds ($40 million) in the 12 months ended June 30, 2012.
Coming second was Sydney couple Chris and Jenna Susetio who earnedaprofit of $310,000 when their property sold for $1,810,000.
Nama, founded to rescue the Republic's domestic banks following the financial crash, earnedaprofit of €481 million last year, its 2017 annual report says.