Type of file format used by e-books.
1Maybe in the future, I will put this together as a pdf or ebook format or something.
2I had to go through my old posts and then convert the html into an ebook format.
3It renders the text in traditional ebook format that offers all the usual facilities for highlighting and making notes.
4His handy bullet-pointed list covers everything from plaintext to mad DRM ebook formats.
5It will also be available in eBook formats, such as for the Kindle and Nook.
6How we convert your book into multiple ebook formats
7How ebook formatting is different from print formatting
8If you liked this story by Bronwyn Scott, try her other sensual historical romances always available in eBook format from Harlequin Historical!
9Smashwords takes your original Microsoft Word source file, usually in .doc format, and converts it into multiple ebook formats such as .EPUB, PDF.
10The secret to ebook formatting success is "Keep it Simple!" Unnecessarily complex formatting or layout will hinder the readability of your ebook.
Translations for ebook format