The whole looked like some very severe ecclesiasticalvestment.
It was some portion of an ecclesiasticalvestment-yellowsatin wrought with an elaborate design of silver and gold.
Fuller tells of the use of a pall as an ecclesiasticalvestment, remarking tersely: "It is made up of lamb's wool and superstition."
Amy prayed he'd stumble over his ecclesiasticalvestments, but he maintained his poise.
From this glittering array one passed, without transition, into the sombre depot of ecclesiasticalvestments.
I allowed myself to be stripped of my ecclesiasticalvestments, and was put into a scent bath.
The reason why men have a liking for formal liturgies, stately ceremonies, and ecclesiasticalvestments is because of environment.
Certain liturgical forms are used, and in the main deaconesses are employed in preparing ecclesiasticalvestments and embroideries for church adornment.
He had a special passion, also, for ecclesiasticalvestments, as indeed he had for everything connected with the service of the Church.
In a back room, on the first floor, two or three lots of old silk, ecclesiasticalvestments, were lying in a corner.
None ever loved better the play of light upon jewels and satin and armor, the rich effectiveness of Oriental stuffs and ecclesiasticalvestments.
Besides this we saw, much against our will, a great many ecclesiasticalvestments of silk and damask richly wrought in gold and silver.
They struck me as most excellent, earnest women, and they delighted in exhibiting all their treasures, including the ecclesiasticalvestments and their Church plate.
Ecclesiasticalvestments were often trimmed with heavy gold fringe, knotted "fretty wise," and the embroideries were further enriched with jewels and small plaques of enamel.