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Significados de economic rebalancing em inglês
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Uso de economic rebalancing em inglês
For example, the hesitant liberalising of exchange rates probably slowed economicrebalancing.
The two-pronged message of economicrebalancing and nationalism is a potent one.
Third, the economicrebalancing that Britain mostly needs is between regions, not sectors.
Germany gets economicrebalancing only half right The country no longer depends on exports for growth.
But any global economicrebalancing would also require the United States to increase its rate of household savings.
Albayrak later defended the tax cut plans, saying they were aimed at supporting economicrebalancing, employment and the fight against inflation.
Last week's Markit survey of factory purchasing managers suggested that economicrebalancing was underway, with growth continuing to be robust in May.
Finally, an unexpected increase in Bank rate might cause sterling to appreciate further, bearing down on inflation and further impeding UK economicrebalancing.
They say an economicrebalancing is needed, with the United States saving more and export giant China consuming more to support its growth.
Strauss-Kahn said Europe's woes were a global problem and it was important that Asia, through its currencies, help with the vital global economicrebalancing.
Highlighting risks from China's economicrebalancing and the financial market turmoil, he said risks to Britain were rising even if domestic demand remained strong.