The summit was prompted by the development of a new genetic editingtechnique called CRISPR-cas9.
Rarely has a new scientific method created such a ruckus as the Crispr gene- editingtechnique.
No one who follows biotech or genetics disputes the power of the gene- editingtechnique Crispr-Cas9.
The decision was supposed to declare ownership of the rights to the revolutionary gene editingtechnique.
Also, scientists use the gene editingtechnique CRISPR-Cas9 to understand the particular genes responsible for cancer therapy success.
Gene editingtechnique could transform future.
The gene editingtechnique relies on proteins called zinc finger nucleases that can delete any gene from a living cell.
Charpentier and Doudna have won multiple prizes in the past four years and were widely considered to have discovered this gene- editingtechnique.
In April, Chinese scientists used the gene- editingtechnique to fix mutations in human embryos, which were nonviable and never intended to be born.
It's an ethically incomprehensible act: we simply don't know enough about the gene editingtechnique CRISPR or how DNA works to experiment on human children.
But using the Crispr gene- editingtechnique, scientists can pass on a gene 100 percent of the time, guaranteeing those genes spread rapidly through a population.
Roberts is keen to look at technologies like the gene- editingtechnique Crispr-Cas9, which offer us the chance to shape who we are as never before.
When they used a gene- editingtechnique called CRISPR-Cas9 to knock out MER41 sequences in human cells, those cells could no longer mount an immune response.
Most filters apply editingtechniques to the entire image, regardless of whether it needs it.
Yes, they are staged, use lighting and various editingtechniques, but I thought it was beautiful.
Researchers in the US have been given the go-ahead to use gene- editingtechniques to alter crops and plants.