Causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin.
Examples for "nasty"
Examples for "nasty"
1It is a nasty job; better not be mixed up in it.
2For the moment I suffered from a nasty crick in the conscience.
3I don't for a minute believe in their nice cop-nasty cop routine.
4I remember one day in the hunting-field he got a nasty fall.
5The paper felt in his hand like bad news or something nasty.
1The Closs home is far less luxurious but every bit as creepy.
2Not actually at their work, you understand -that would be creepy.
3I needed this creepy asshole's help, whether I liked it or not.
4I get a creepy feeling that she means exactly what she says.
5Your first thought: how creepy, why should they know where I am?
1Passing the second large oil pump, I made yet another macabre discovery.
2Kevin Yates' sporting future has suddenly become a macabre game of Cluedo.
3I know nothing of those heroes of macabre fact masquerading as fiction.
4Chance makes an unusual request before embarking on a macabre handiwork project.
5Though she was still human, technically, she'd been given their macabre thirst.
1A crawly feeling wormed its way into the base of her spine.
2But the creepy crawly invertebrates have just as complex an immune system.
3Try a bug cocktail or a caramel creepy crawly for Valentine's Day.
4These curls-theyare all hot and crawly around my neck, holding me.
5Though the air was hot, her skin suddenly grew crawly with goosebumps.
Inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening.
1She heard eerie sounds coming, as she thought, from within the house.
2The rush of the stream in the hollow had an eerie sound.
3At that moment she had an eerie feeling that something wasn't right.
4Walk among the eerie machines and mannequins of this subversive director's work.
5The question startled me for the almost eerie precision of its accuracy.
6Take it all in all, it was an eerie and terrible scene.
7There are no sounds from outside my cabin, it's eerie, he said.
8The eerie cries of unseen animals rose in harmony with distant thunder.
9That was where Paul was conceived. Alia often made eerie, unsettling comments.
10The memory of that eerie grief was still uncomfortable in his brain.
11There, in the bright sunshine, a consciousness of the eerie possessed me.
12In the hallway, moonlight cast an eerie glow across the family photographs.
13Clearly it came through the still air-theeerie hoot of a nighthawk.
14The sheep looked down at this eerie scene in wonder and confusion.
15The eerie part was that the fiery current of energy was silent.
16We love horror films but fear their eerie transition into non-Halloween fashion.
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