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Significados de efficient viral em inglês
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Uso de efficient viral em inglês
The visna virus Tat protein is a strong transcriptional activator and is necessary for efficientviral replication.
The amino-terminal domain of SV40 large tumor antigen (TAg) is required for efficientviral DNA replication.
Poliovirus 2A(pro) is required for the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis and efficientviral replication.
The vesicular stomatitis virus G protein has been used to generate pseudotype retroviral particles to enable efficientviral infection.
Collectively, these findings reveal a mechanism of HSV-1 evasion of the host immune response that enables efficientviral replication in vivo.
It was shown that the N-glycan environment around well-defined disulphide bridges of gp120 is highly critical to allow efficientviral infection and transmission.
This raised the possibility that the interaction between E1B-55K and E4orf6 was not required for efficientviral mRNA transport.
The measles virus (MV) nonstructural C protein suppresses the interferon response, thereby allowing efficientviral growth, but its detailed mechanism has been unknown.
We envision that this non-invasive, efficientviral eradication method will find applications in the disinfection of pharmaceuticals, biologicals and blood products in the near future.
Selective adenoviral early gene expression, efficientviral replication, and oncolysis were observed in all tested cancer cells with more attenuated replication capacity in normal cells.
Efficientviral gene-transfer from these scaffolds has previously been demonstrated.