The final stages of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board.
Examples for "endgame"
Examples for "endgame"
1With no endgame in sight, of course the EU has contingency plans.
2Daily Briefing: Brexit endgame nears LONDON Is a Brexit endgame in sight?
3Özil was supposed to define the endgame of the late Wenger years.
4Capetonians are very much in the midst of their water shortage endgame.
5We should recognise this psychology, and decide to choose the least-bad endgame.
1Unfortunately the Giro may be only the beginning of the end game.
2EBONY: What is the end game for you and An African City?
3But we don't have an end game as far as the series.
4DLW: The end game has always been to get the conversation started.
5The end game is to foster long-term conflict - social, political and economic.
6She asks the question our leaders are not answering: What's the end game?
7They don't know the shape of the end game, he said.
8The Mugabe government is reaching end game, it is running out of options.
9It was so simple, now that he saw the end game.
10But it was enough to figure out his mom's end game.
11I was only bringing him back here for the end game, Herr Barent.
12When it became an end -to- end game it was bad for us.
13Other pressure points on China, like Trump's trade war, had a clear end game.
14He said: I don't think we're reaching the end game.
15That's not a starting point; that's practically an end game.
16But that is the way of things in the end game of a war.