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Significados de enhanced binding em inglês
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Uso de enhanced binding em inglês
Dimerization of Protein H is pivotal for enhancedbinding to human C4BP.
Thus, we speculated that CfaE is also capable of shear- enhancedbinding.
Electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed an enhancedbinding of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kappaB.
Using yeast display, mutants in the Fv with enhancedbinding over the parental clone were FACS-sorted and cloned.
The enhancedbinding kinetics between hcG Ag-Ab via preconcentration showed good feasibility for use in a rapid immunoassay screening test.
These studies demonstrate that one consequence of activating the host innate immune response by bacterial infection is enhancedbinding and internalization of DNA.
In contrast, FimH-R66 completely lost shear- enhancedbinding properties, with bacterial adhesion being inhibited by shear forces and lacking a rolling mode of binding.
Specificity of these findings was confirmed by recombinant vimentin propagating enhancedbinding of C3bot to synaptosomes from rat spinal cord and mouse brain.
The 17 beta-hydroxyl group was also essential for high affinity binding and addition of a 17 alpha-methyl group enhancedbinding.