The soul actualises the body, and becomes, as he said, its entelechy.
It is the entelechy of the living individual, be he typical or singular.
For Aristotle it was the substantial form of the body-theentelechy, but not a substance.
For my argument, I would define personhood as the entelechy of the body, Aristotle's sense of soul.
Shall we say with Aristotle, that the soul is the entelechy or form of an organized living body?
Here, he and I have had many a long discussion of entelechy and epistemology and other such unimportant and ephemeral nothings.
Doubtless there were numerous functions the Ussans knew nothing about-powerand entelechy, energy and possibility secreted away, unused but intact, within those panels.
He hadn't iced Syrian assassins by regarding the cosmos as a sentient entelechy with psyche and soma, a macrocosmic mirror to man the microcosm.