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Meanings of entire organization in inglês
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Usage of entire organization in inglês
This system kept defilers from penetrating the structure of the entireorganization.
He knew enough to bury our entireorganization, but he wanted out.
Shit, this could bring my entireorganization down, Jasper said defeated.
For years that one man hampered and frustrated our entireorganization.
No way he would risk his entireorganization for two Americans he's never met.
Unfortunately Oscar-Oscar are drawing blanks and they can't Audit the entireorganization-atleast not yet.
The future of the entireorganization depends on it.
The reader will observe how high and symmetrical is the forehead, and how well balanced appears the entireorganization.
She knew his affairs almost as well as he did and was treated with deference by the entireorganization.
Our interview subjects certainly don't: they work for the Invasive Spartina Project, an entireorganization dedicated to the plant's removal.
The present discipline and morale of our Army are excellent, and marked progress and efficiency are apparent throughout its entireorganization.
A complicated chain of attacks that involves viewing a GIF would have let hackers take over an entireorganization's Microsoft Teams accounts.
The opportunity was an alluring one in a way, for it would render the entireorganization like an open book to me.
But the entireorganization was without access to phone, email or electronic records for three days, said Raun Rasmussen, Legal Services' executive director.
Even if the Darpa chief recuses herself from a particular business deal, she can't excise the influence she wields over the entireorganization.
The steadholder's entireorganization would become more porous and easily penetrated, and the number of potential witnesses against him would go up geometrically.