Thus, step by step, organized or cenobitic monasticism easily and naturally came into existence.
Śaṅkaraperceived the advantage of the cenobitic life for organizing religion and founded a number of maṭhsor colleges.
Caroline, absorbed in the idea that you should eat merely to live, treats Adolphe to the delights of a cenobitic table.
Uso de eremitical em inglês
He first led an eremitical life in the mountains, near Frejus.
Afterwards he led an eremitical life in the isle of Farne, where he died in 669, about eleven years after St. Cuthbert.
But gradually small communities of Amoebae arose by the side of these eremitical Protozoa, the sister-cells produced by cleavage remaining joined together.
By the advice of a prudent director, he then embraced an eremitical life in a plain called Thole, near the foot of Mount Sinai.
HE was born in Ireland, and, retiring into France, led an eremitical life at Limousin, where he acquired great reputation for his sanctity and miracles.