Bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland.
1When a heron rose out of the brook 'a moll ern flod away.'
2Bridoon's one of my lambs, as Nosebag calls 'ern.
3He could not throw well enough to make his mark in that famous West ern game of bull-pen.
4One could almost believe that Coleridge's astronomical impossibility might come to pass: There clomb above the east ern bar.
5Build-up Worst in Years read the headline in North- ern Territory News, Darwin's daily newspaper, one day last week.
6Only hide 'ern away safe.
7Fancy the little beggar, an' him commin' and goin' as flash as ye make 'ern, and pickin' and thavin' all the time.
8Negative affect inversely correlated with ERN amplitude in TBI but not control participants.
9That was what Ern and I talked over before he left.
10Ern, leave your dazer alone-you'relike a girl with a dolly.
11Sorry, Ern, but I'm going to help Charley can pumpkins to-day.
12Don't be an old maid, Ern, with your piffling German conscientiousness.
13The hour of need of a horde of vandals.-Where'syour common sense, Ern?
14I remember him as a big, husky boy, don't you, Ern?
15On a rough and dirty couch lay Ern Roffery, the valuer.
16At baseline, the ERN was measured using a flankers task.