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Significados de especially urgent em inglês
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Uso de especially urgent em inglês
He was especiallyurgent that the National Guard in Paris should retain its arms.
But animal rights group, SAFE, said the death of the bull made banning rodeos especiallyurgent.
Such a system is especiallyurgent because of the rapid growth and coming automation of location services.
The President in his message was especiallyurgent in his recommendation of a revision of the tariff laws.
The drive to acquire is especiallyurgent because the output at some of the world's top producers is falling.
He looked through them, to see if anything especiallyurgent required him to give instructions to his secretary before leaving the house.
They always invited the rest of the company to go with them, and were especiallyurgent, this morning, that Mae should accompany them.
China's investment makes the issue especiallyurgent; the country is moving quickly on autonomous cars, clean energy, and artificial intelligence on a huge scale.