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Significados de essayed by em inglês
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Uso de essayed by em inglês
She finds refuge with a mismatched bunch of survivors, essayedby top-notch screen favourites.
The well-meaning but intemperate changes essayedby Joseph II.
Another attempt to make Emma Goldman impossible was essayedby the Federal authorities at Washington.
So the politician up the creek without a paddle role is now essayedby Ben Affleck.
Walt Disney was essayedby Tom Hanks in the 2013 Mary Poppins origins drama, Saving Mr Banks.
She's the first of his nature nymphs, a reoccurring figure in his films best essayedby the actress Haji.
Mrs. Walters essayedby appealing glances to open the obstinately closed doors of Penelope's spiritual consciousness, but it was in vain.
A venturesome expedition had also been essayedby our host, in the shape of a voyage down the chasm in a boat.
The patriarchal system was essayedby a wealthy firm of American merchants (Russell & Sturgis) with very disastrous results to themselves.
For a long time he essayedby every means to get himself out of that castle, but he could not find a way.
She was very much changed since the early morning: his liveliness, essayedby him at a hazard, was unsuccessful; grave English pleased her best.
Experimental removal of the pituitary was essayedby Horsley in 1886, the same man who two years before had reproduced myxedema successfully in monkeys.