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Significados de essential teaching em inglês
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Uso de essential teaching em inglês
The essentialteaching of Moses was the law of Sinai, the Ten Commandments.
In the Báb the circle was again very much enlarged, but the essentialteaching was the same.
His essentialteaching was the unity of mankind and the attainment of supreme human virtues through love.
Chesterton was, however, in agreement with the ordinary citizen and in disagreement with Shaw as to much of Shaw's essentialteaching.
If Björnson's essentialteaching may be found in a single page, as has above been suggested, his personality evades all such summarizing.
The more light that can be turned upon them the more clearly will their essentialteachings stand forth.
If you reflect upon the essentialteachings of Jesus, you will realize that they are the light of the world.
Inasmuch as they differ from the reality and the essentialteachings of the Manifestations of God, dissensions have arisen, and prejudice has developed.