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Significados de establish the safety em inglês
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Uso de establish the safety em inglês
A future problem is to establishthesafety of extended hepatectomy in these patients.
Further studies are needed to establishthesafety of NOAs in this clinical scenario.
An acute toxicity test was performed to establishthesafety of BV at high doses.
Therefore, the FEEDAP Panel cannot establishthesafety of semi-refined cassia gum for cats and dogs.
Additional randomised studies are needed to establishthesafety and efficacy of palivizumab in children with CF.
Additional randomised studies are needed to establishthesafety and efficacy of palivizumab in children with cystic fibrosis.
The Prime Minister says he will not allow animals to be used in tests to establishthesafety of legal highs.
Aim: To establishthesafety and feasibility of rapidly infusing rituximab over 90 min in patients with primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL).
Fine Gael has criticised Bus Eireann for declining its request to have six school buses independently checked to establishthesafety and road-worthiness.
The resultant high quality avenin will facilitate controlled and definitive feeding studies to establishthesafety of oat consumption by people with celiac disease.
These studies have establishedthesafety and feasibility of this approach and have produced encouraging evidence of therapeutic efficacy.
Clinical safety signal detection is of great importance in establishingthesafety profile of new drugs and biologics during drug development.
The encouraging OS after autologous HCT, establishesthesafety and feasibility of this consolidative treatment option after initial induction therapy for pPCL.
The government had not yet establishedthesafety of the 1,590 pandas living in the wild in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, Xinhua said.