Ainda não temos significados para "ex-service men".
1The ex-service men were to gather on the stroke of midnight.
2How long would the ex-service men stay out on the street, waiting for Hamby to answer their signal?
3How could I make him understand moving picture shows, and German competition, and ex-service men out of jobs?
4The Not Forgotten Association (NFA) supports wounded service and ex-service men and women from the Armed Forces.
5I saw the crowd down the street; the ex-service men were still pushing and shouting, driving people away from the theatre.
6It was a company of ex-service men in uniform; one or two hundred, carrying rifles with fixed bayonets which gleamed in the sunshine.
7There were old club servants who were like family retainers; one or two employees were ex-service men for whom he had found employment.
8A group of ex-service men, members of the Brigade, had been hired to seize the prophet and treat him to a tar and feathering.
9Arthur Meighen and a fellow minister, aided by strong measures on the part of the Mayor and ex-Service men, the rioters returned to work.
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