Ainda não temos significados para "exalted faith".
1I know thou art merciful; Oh, give me a more exalted faith.
2Supported by an exalted faith, he regarded even death with composure.
3He is a man of simple and exalted faith.
4He distrusted reason and exalted faith, as the only means of answering the difficulties that pure intellectualism could not solve.
5They had such exalted faith in their army they believed they could gain by Might what they had lost in prestige throughout the world.
6I believe that is common sense, and I know it is perfectly permissible to the most exalted faith in the Soul of our Universe.
7This last day seemed likely to be a very fervent one, for he already felt a tremor of exalted faith rising among the crowd.
8Make us the signs of Thy Divine Guidance, the Standards of Thy exalted Faith amongst men, servants to Thy mighty Covenant.
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