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Significados de examine mechanisms em inglês
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Uso de examine mechanisms em inglês
This is a pre-requisite for widespread use of mice to examinemechanisms of cachexia and diaphragm abnormalities in PH.
Further research is needed to confirm these findings in a larger sample and to examinemechanisms responsible for this relationship.
The 5C-CPT can be used to examinemechanisms underlying SD-induced deficits in vigilance and assist in testing putative cognitive enhancers.
Interaction of C. diversus strains with HEp-2 and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was studied to examinemechanisms related to brain abscess formation.
Given that this model results in long-term epilepsy, we also examinedmechanisms whereby this homeostasis fails.
Several studies have examinedmechanisms and potential aetiological factors leading to the development of the different prediabetic states.
This study examinesmechanisms underlying hierarchical regulation by the sRNA SgrS, found in enteric bacteria and produced under conditions of metabolic stress.
Objective: This study examinedmechanisms of efficiency in a managed care hospitalist system on length of stay and total costs for common pediatric conditions.
Because diabetics have a higher incidence and more severe periodontitis, we examinedmechanisms by which diabetes alters the response of bone to bacterial challenge.
Here we provide a focused review examiningmechanisms of h channel regulation, with an emphasis on recent findings regarding interacting proteins such as TRIP8b.