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Significados de exceeding wrath em inglês
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Uso de exceeding wrath em inglês
And his son came to him angry with exceedingwrath.
They fumed with exceedingwrath, and slopped over with pious indignation at the swindle put upon them.
There leapt towards them the Britons exceedingwrath; tore them by the hair, and laid them to the ground.
Well, he continues exceedingwrath.
Because they do not indeed see themselves by nature heirs of that exceedingwrath and vengeance that the Scriptures testify of.
As soon as the King heard the dyer's story, he was wroth with exceedingwrath and said to him, "Keep this secret."
Then said he, 'We shall hear nought from the mouth of Shagpat till he is avenged, and till then he is silent with exceedingwrath.'
Then was exceedingwrath Dinabuz toward Merlin, and thus quoth Dinabuz, who had the blow: Merlin, wicked man, why hast thou thus done to me?
"You can," said Darrell, with that exceeding calmness which comes from exceedingwrath; "and perhaps, sir, that story, whatever it might be, you invented.