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Significados de excessive focus em inglês
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Uso de excessive focus em inglês
An excessivefocus on inflation has distracted our attention away from issues of full employment and economic growth.
Another related human impediment comes from excessivefocus on what we do know: we tend to learn the precise, not the general.
Clinton's proposal comes as part of her plan to fight what she sees as an excessivefocus on quick profits in capital markets.
Instead, there is an excessivefocus by faceless bureaucrats on applying inflexible rules without seeking to understand the realities facing children on the ground.
An excessivefocus on violence and setbacks in southern Afghanistan ignored improvements there and in the rest of the country, the Pentagon press secretary said.
One cabinet minister sniffed at journalists' excessivefocus on FTAs, admitting that they could take 10 or 15 years to finalise.
This country's strategic interests in the Brexit negotiations could be seriously damaged by an excessivefocus on the relationship with the UK, Irish (...)