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Significados de executive type em inglês
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Uso de executive type em inglês
Someone or some body of a presumably executivetype and title did so.
The two young women travel with a well-dressed executivetype far into the mountains.
Some kind of a financial guy, you know, a big-shot executivetype, works up in Atlanta.
The justification showed figures which indicated an increase in executivetype communications during the past few months.
Unless you know of some quicker way to get an electric typewriter with executivetype face and carbon ribbon.
This confirms how the degree of cognitive deficit, especially of executivetype, affects all levels of awareness of the individual.
Mr. S. said that he caters primarily to the ten-thousand-dollar -a-year young- executivetype, and he's keeping all kinds of entertainment out even canned music.
He sat between the woman, who was wearing a severe blue suit, and a young executivetype wearing a herringbone jacket and modish sideburns.
A small development of large executivetype homes near Wicklow town goes on sale this weekend with five-bedroom houses priced between £795,000 and £875,000.
Not to mention a couple hundred executivetypes with connections.
Both appear to be executivetypes but the unusual thing about the woman is that she wears low-heeled walking shoes.
Hmm … Yet this is already a different kind of Lib Dem conference - more money from sponsors, more suits, more busy-looking, younger executivetypes.
"I've come home from Brussels for this," said one of the sons, an executivetype who'd done well for himself.