Ainda não temos significados para "exercised the powers".
1Over the country he exercised the powers of an absolute monarch.
2Wilfrid did not obtain the pall, but exercised the powers of a Metropolitan.
3Their sons, as regents, exercised the powers of government.
4So judiciously and patriotically had he exercised the powers entrusted to him, that he disarmed opposition.
5He had in charge the stores of the gens; and, in unimportant cases, he exercised the powers of a judge.
6He consolidated and increased the estates of the church, exercised the powers of a count, denounced simony and initiated financial reforms.
7General Washington exercised the powers confided to him with caution, but he did exercise them; and by doing so, acquired considerable supplies.
8In other places a "select vestry," or corporation of persons filling its own vacancies, exercised the powers of parish government.
9Teutonic kings, again, in the old heathen days seem to have stood in the position, and to have exercised the powers, of high priests.
10But this great body was represented by a smaller Council of about thirty, which bore the name and exercised the powers of the States-General.
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