Ainda não temos significados para "exhaustive account".
1For it is not that democracy is of exhaustive account, in itself.
2The regular, systematic, exhaustive account of the laws of nature is to be found within their compass.
3To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period would need a far less brilliant pen than mine.
4His exhaustive account of the Armada and its ill-fated enterprise makes clear everything important in this famous passage of history.
5This is not an exhaustive account of the progressive doctrine, and we have here nothing to say as to its soundness.
6The late Mr. André's article on vowesses, and Mr. Evelyn-White's exhaustive account of the Boy-Bishop must be mentioned, and-lestI forget-Dr.
7Composed with that special purpose, its narrative is not to be regarded as an exhaustive account of the creation of the world.
8In his exhaustive account of the catastrophe, Erik Larson, who writes for Time, points out that Galveston in 1900 "stood on the verge of greatness".
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