Flowering plant with two cotyledons; the stem grows by deposit on its outside.
The shedding phase of the hair cycle.
1Smilax belongs to a transition class, partaking somewhat of the nature of endogen and of exogen.
2The former sees a tree in all its glory, where the latter sees an exogen with a pair of cotyledons.
3It is, according to Von Martius, the Cedrela Odorata, an exogen belonging to the same order as the mahogany tree.
4You must know before anybody else how the exogens are to be completely divided.
5Saponin is found in endogens and exogens.
6Take the characters of exogens as distinct from endogens; even under ordinary circumstances, no absolute distinction can be drawn between them.
7Grass-seedlings seem to suffer much less than exogens...