Little is known about how mast cell progenitors extravasate into tissue.
Furthermore, the proportion of adherent leukocytes that ultimately extravasate during reperfusion was markedly reduced by WEB 2086.
After 72 h, the leukocytes that extravasate into the site of antigen challenge express CD44.
Tumor cells are thought to arrive in lymph nodes and other sites through the blood and lymphatic circulation and to extravasate.
In conclusion, we identified the molecular partners that are sequentially exploited by CTCs to arrest and extravasate in vascular regions with permissive flow regimes.
Memory T lymphocytes extravasate at sites of inflammation, but the mechanisms employed by these cells to initiate contact and tethering with endothelium are incompletely understood.
Cancer metastasis requires that primary tumour cells evolve the capacity to intravasate into the lymphatic system or vasculature, and extravasate into and colonize secondary sites.
Fibrinogen extravasates in the nervous system after injury or disease associated with vascular damage or blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption.