Ainda não temos significados para "faileth".
1The tongue faileth in describing these three Valleys, and speech falleth short.
2My health faileth, and I am, moreover, under my Lord Warwick's displeasure.
3Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not.
4Love never faileth, and life never faileth, so long as there is love.
5Charity never faileth; but prophecies-theyshall fail; tongues-theyshall cease; knowledge-itshall vanish away.
6But it is impossible for infinite power and wisdom to fail as man faileth.
7Sleep from mine eyes is gone, And my heart faileth me for very care.
8Seek pardon from God who loves to be sought, and whose mercy never faileth.
9For the fruit of good labours is glorious, and the root of wisdom never faileth.
10Provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not.
11The one never faileth to multiply words, and the other ever faileth to multiply gold.
12Where natural logick prevails not, artificial too often faileth.
13Woe unto him that faileth to fulfil My wish.
14That tiger among men, grieving for thee and for Gandhari, faileth to obtain any happiness.
15Nay, Master Kelly, thine art faileth this once, forsooth.
16Then Holofernes said: When that meat faileth what shall we give to thee to eat?
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