Ainda não temos significados para "fair neighbour".
1Be patient; to-morrow morning I will call upon our fair neighbour.
2All the guests began to clap, and my fair neighbour blushed with pleasure.
3Well, then, my dear, attack him at once; lead him to the subject of our fair neighbour.
4Then he turned his attention to his fair neighbour, who was good-looking and kindly disposed towards him.
5I managed to squeeze my fair neighbour's hand, and she returned the pressure with all her strength.
6The fact is that our friend, the baronet, begins to display a considerable interest in our fair neighbour.
7How often have I been asked by some fair neighbour at a dinner-table, 'Is that Mr. Jones opposite one of the Joneses of Bedfordshire?'
8I remember being so bored one night at dinner, by the ceaseless chatter about Burne-Jones, that I asked my fair neighbour: "Who is Burne-Jones?"
9The baron, though very timid, and much embarrassed, had ventured to enter into conversation with his fair neighbours.
10Lord Curryfin looked carefully to the comfort of his idol, but was unremitting in his attentions to her fair neighbours.
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