Ainda não temos significados para "faithful vassal".
1Sad in heart the faithful vassal gazed at him whom he heard thus speak.
2Hammerstein was always known later on as the most faithful vassal of the King.
3But thy faithful vassal will I be. And the king accepted this from him.
4The lands and throne of Ghealdan, I give to you as my faithful vassal.
5Alfred smiled and held out his hand like a captive monarch to his faithful vassal.
6But thy faithful vassal will I be.
7I am willing this night to lay down my life for my Prince, as a faithful vassal should.
8I am your majesty's faithful vassal.
9He remained at Amsterdam some weeks longer, but the events which succeeded changed the Hector into a faithful vassal.
10After receiving his crown from Nebuchadnezzar, Zedekiah continued for eight years to play the part of a faithful vassal.
11I am a maid of Bute, your Majesty, and a faithful vassal of my lord Earl Kenric of that isle.
12Mithridates, a faithful vassal king, advanced his army over Syria, and came down into the Delta, sweeping all before him.
13Ten selected chiefs would overcome, she said, all opposition; and she promised in return to become his grateful and faithful vassal.
14Einar opposed this, and Magnus the Good (see Note 6) was called to rule, whose most faithful vassal Einar became.
15And he was your father's body servant during the war, and has been always a faithful vassal and servant of the family.
16He looked up to the other boy as, in ages long gone by, a faithful vassal used to look up to his liege lord.
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