Intentional misrepresentation of research results by making up data, such as that reported in a journal article.
1In 2009 the U.S. government accused Ranbaxy of falsifying data used in drug applications.
2If someone is falsifying data they usually get found out.
3The greatest of my sins was falsifying data from a seven-year dig on Armaghast.
4Around the same time, a Norwegian researcher, Jon Sudbø, admitted to fabricating and falsifying data.
5It wasn't like he was falsifying data, or anything.
6Changsheng Bio-technology sparked nationwide anger for falsifying data and producing an ineffective vaccine for babies.
7Mann, who was accused of falsifying data, was cleared of any wrongdoing by an internal investigation by Penn State University.
8The chairwoman of the firm accused of falsifying data for rabies vaccines, Changsheng Bio-technology Co Ltd, is among 15 people detained by police.
9They'd been accused of falsifying data and trying to silence their critics in an effort to promote the case for man-made global warming.
10It seems that Fastow was suspected of falsifying data during clinical trials, but apparently the hospital couldn't prove it and so they fired him.
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