Language a person was raised speaking from birth.
Examples for "l1"
Examples for "l1"
1His role at L1 could help overcome certain complications in the UK.
2Single-agent pembrolizumab is an option in select cases of low positive PD-L1.
3Tumor PD-L1 protein expression may predict response to drugs targeting this pathway.
4Tony had ferried two loads of passengers to L1 in record time.
5The interaction of PD-L1 with clinical antibodies is also affected by glycosylation.
1Today, the first language is English, and the second language is Chinese.
2Children whose first language isn't English have a hard time getting by.
3I am a South African citizen, and English is my first language.
4Being deaf, I communicate in my first language - Irish Sign Language.
5Phillip switched easily to the French that had been his first language.
1The services of the church were usually held in the native language.
2The lead Elite clicked something to his squad in their native language.
3Adding insult to injury by not using the native language, Michael thought.
4They refuse to have a concept of Ireland without its native language.
5The words were of his native language, but the malediction was universal.
1But the American has lost the elementary uses of his mother tongue.
2Hay Stockard swore, harshly, in the rugged monosyllables of his mother tongue.
3They understand the Spanish language, but have not forgotten their mother tongue.
4Russian, German and Hungarian have made French seem like my mother tongue-
5Dutch meant freedom to him; his mother tongue had become a burden.
1It is a freeman's speech, this mother language.
2The Bible never calls God a mother , though the mother language, as here, is used of Him many times.
3Pashto is my mother language.
4He repeats English poetry with great propriety, and speaks the language nearly with the same facility as he does his mother language.
5One of the challenges was that some of her adult students had never learned to read and write in their mother language, she said.
1The father tongue had always seemed universal; even Dorothy spoke without peculiar inflections or special difficulty.
Translations for father tongue