Ainda não temos significados para "fawn upon".
1He did not fawn upon the animal nor explode with praise.
2They fawn upon me with their lips, but deceit is in their hearts.
3He neither cowered before Caleb nor did he fawn upon him.
4The shopkeeper in Germany does not fawn upon his customers.
5Mind that you don't fawn upon her in that way.
6At Hamilton College, to fawn upon; to flatter; to court the favor of any one.
7They may fawn upon her later, Dacre being one to hold his own with women.
8He did not despise or wilfully shock opinion, neither did he fawn upon and flatter it.
9They are quite willing to fawn upon me now when I have met with some success.
10A priest backed by the Hierarchy was something to fear, to fawn upon, almost to worship.
11Who would not groan at hearing that Roman knights and senators fawn upon her like eunuchs?
12Do not fawn upon me little man, I am too old to want women or money.
13Does your dog fawn upon you too familiarly?
14He's had you fawn upon him when he needed something out of the ordinary, like his assassin.
15His humanness rebounds more quickly than ours, who will not fawn upon life for twenty minutes yet.
16That he should fawn upon his dog?
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