Caused to show discomposure.
1We had been making music for 15 years so nothing fazed us.
2David Cameron went along with the gimmick, surprised but not remotely fazed.
3Though it was Bezos' first congressional testimony, he appeared the least fazed.
4Smith said the Illini weren't fazed by the QB switch against Wisconsin.
5I wasn't even fazed by the fact that she'd just been invisible.
6A young man does not get as fazed as an older man.
7But Bower wasn't fazed by Meghan's accomplishments before she became a duchess.
8He wasn't fazed at all by what was going on around him.
9New Zealand First leader Winston Peters wasn't fazed by the Prime Minister's stance.
10I hope it will help but I am not too fazed.
11The issue is splitting South Africans, but is Juju fazed by the backlash?
12The fan was not exactly wrong, but it hardly fazed the under-appreciated Koepka.
13Murphy did not appear the least bit fazed or ashamed to admit it.
14It didn't feel fazed in the least by her status as a stranger.
15No one seemed to be fazed by her, which was a refreshing change.
16Not that Henman is the least bit fazed by the hype.
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Estados Unidos da América