But Delaware's tendency to elect moderates to federaloffice held Thursday.
But it could kick in when a state governor runs for a federaloffice.
Under Australia's constitution, a person cannot run for federaloffice if they hold dual or plural citizenship.
And it's time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federaloffice.
The acquisition of campaign funds has become an obsession on the part of nearly every candidate for federaloffice.
The federaloffice charged with monitoring U.S. financial stability has also warned that rising credit risk could harm the country's financial health.
Finally, Warren called for creating a new federaloffice responsible for trying to get foreign countries to purchase U.S. clean energy technology.
They can also get into trouble for donating to state and local officials who are running for federaloffice, according to Hong.
The party has found scores of strong candidates ready to run for state or federaloffice, partly through an on-line recruiting drive, Nassour said.
It's time to vote again for federaloffice, though this time you get to choose your favorite new web application that makes government data useful.
The Federal Election Campaign Act states that excess contributions are illegal if they are made for the purpose of influencing an election for federaloffice.
More than 120 prominent Palestinian-Americans have signed a "Statement of Principles" that they say determine their community's support for candidates for federaloffice.
In the court on Tuesday he said that he had been directed by "a candidate for federaloffice" to break federal election laws.
We're selling acres of federaloffice space that hasn't been used in years, and we will cut through red tape to get rid of more.
If they shall have their way, no Negro can fill any federaloffice, or occupy, in the public service, any position that is not menial.
In 2010 California voters were asked to decide on 14 such propositions, in addition to choosing candidates for local, state, and federaloffice.