Ainda não temos significados para "feel a constriction".
1Constantine felt a constriction in his throat, a spasm of ownership.
2Andre-Louis felt a constriction of the heart.
3He felt a constriction in his chest, a pain in his throat, and he held her fiercely.
4She felt a constriction of revulsion and forced herself to ignore it, because the man's eyes were alive now.
5'Jesus,' said Gurney, feeling a constriction in his chest.
6A shiver ran through her frame, and she felt a constriction of the chest as if she had inhaled sulphur.
7She redoubled her efforts, and felt a constriction in her throat as she tried to force a sound-anysound-fromher lips.
8"I love you, too," he said, reaching for her, feeling a constriction in his own throat.