Ainda não temos significados para "feel any confidence".
1Perhaps Aunt Elizabeth- Inevercould feel any confidence in a red-haired female who habitually dressed in pink.
2He will spend more this year because his family has grown, but I don't feel any confidence in the economy.
3Never did he feel any confidence in his position; and never did he depart from his jealous and sometimes petty watchfulness.
4There is something about that which makes me feel he cannot be the sort of man in whom I could feel any confidence.
5No southern lord could feel any confidence that, if he ventured to resist the government, even his own gamekeepers and huntsmen would stand by him.
6I stared at him in horror, feeling any confidence I'd had trickle away.
7They no longer felt any confidence in their power to resist the onslaught of the peasants.
8Not feeling any confidence in his assurance, I burst out into bitter invectives and fierce words.
9All these enemies of Christ were extremely undecided and far from feeling any confidence of success, because they mistrusted Judas.
10"What fools we Anarchists are," he exclaimed to me one day, "ever to feel any confidence in any one!
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