Ainda não temos significados para "feel no sense".
1I feel no sense of triumph now, only the knowledge that our cause was just.
2I could go, and feel no sense of danger, even though my reason knew that it existed.
3She listened attentively enough to Maddy's story but seemed to feel no sense of urgency or danger at all.
4They will feel no sense of common interest or common country; they will cherish no common object of patriotic love.
5In the clear sunlight of a winter morning, the academy trainees feel no sense of foreboding in the alley behind the rowhouses on Newington Avenue.
6He felt no sense of awkwardness, no arrogant pride, no irritating obligation.
7The line was long, but she felt no sense of urgency.
8It was his only companion; and yet he felt no sense of loneliness.
9But even here, Sano felt no sense of his father's presence.
10The demon was dead but Shay felt no sense of relief.
11He felt no sense of loss at the notebooks' annihilation.
12Yet he felt no sense of triumph-onlyconfusion and astonishment.
13Looking around, Strike felt no sense of homecoming or nostalgia.
14Randy felt no sense of surprise or shock whatsoever.
15And yet Mr. Crowl felt no sense of victory.
16He felt no sense of protection from his father, and he missed his mother always.
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