Ainda não temos significados para "felt that day".
1Nor has time obliterated anything of the shame I felt that day.
2I felt that day, for the first time, the austere sweetness of sacrifice.
3I remembered what I felt that day when Arden had told me the truth.
4He felt that day that we should be more controversial.
5A number of the congregation felt that day the advantage of sitting in the laft.
6I don't envy the losses you felt that day.
7I'll never forget the surge of happiness I felt that day and eight months later still feel.
8In such joys as I felt that day eyes and ears do but little-imaginationworks most wonders.
9I can understand all you did, and all you felt that day, as if it were myself.
10He divined how Sophie felt that day.
11Five was the usual, especially for first-timers, but who knew how the judge or jury felt that day.
12As helpless as she had felt that day as she tended to the boy who'd lost his arms.
13I think you begin to realize, monsieur, what Philippe de Vilmorin must have felt that day at Gavrillac.
14It was a lot like the way I had felt that day up at the cabin on the lake.
15Do you feel as you felt that day when you were with my sister and me in the garden?
16The only pang I felt that day was as I passed the monsters on the gate leading to Oldcastle Hall.
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Felt that day ao longo do tempo