Ainda não temos significados para "fib about".
1I was coming here; and that wasn't worth telling a fib about.
2They tell you it's sold out when it isn't and they fib about the location.
3And now, there's another to add to the list: never fib about your marathon finish time.
4When you know the truth yourself, you will be the better qualified to fib about it.
5I'd meant to keep it secret- Iwouldn'thave minded telling him a fib about a little thing.
6As a witty spinster once remarked: It's no use to fib about your age in your native village.
7Fanny Dover reflected a moment, then delivered herself thus: You were wrong to tell a fib about it.
9We have a tendency to fib about what we've watched, just to fit in, according to a new survey.
10You met her with some man at the theatre-andshe was frightened and begged you to fib about it?
11Then Gerald's fib about his chin was natural; he simply wished to minimize the fuss and to spare her feelings.
12She told that fib about her momma, as if she did know, and colored up when the flowers came quite prettily.
13But Ann Hicks was still seriously inclined not to go into the woods, although she had no idea of telling a fib about it.
14One might as well ask why women fib about their age, or why women shop three hours just to buy a pair of dress shields.
15For the same reason, also, the doctor fibbed about his birthplace.
16And he knew I was fibbing about the minute.
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Fib about ao longo do tempo