Ainda não temos significados para "fights a duel".
1The man who fights a duel to-day excites but one comment.
2My future son-in-law fights a duel on Marietta's account.
3Eldol fights a duel with Hengist, cuts off his head, and destroys the Saxons without mercy.
4What is your inference, when he fights a duel about a Miss with my Lord Comyn?
5If the man fights a duel, it will be in defence of what you have told him.
6The prowess of the four Vikings is always potent; they fall in love; Ivar fights a duel, and then wins the loveliest of brides.
7(Pardon the parenthesis, but I feel it my duty to warn you that nobody fights a duel in this little history, and nobody gets killed.)
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